Why to host Craft CMS on fortrabbit
This is not just a landing page to lurk you in. We ❤ Craft CMS & Craft Commerce.
Made for Craft CMS
fortrabbit is made for modern PHP application development and design with Git deployment and Composer built in. That perfectly aligns with the Craft CMS 4 feature set.
Craft Copy
Our open source Craft plugin speeds syncing your fortrabbit App with your local development — from setup checks to database syncs. Download it here:
Comprehensive guides
There is a whole section on how to work with Craft CMS and fortrabbit. It covers all topics from installing Craft CMS locally, over setup, Git or SFTP deployment, deploying assets and tuning.
Personal support
We can really help you with your Craft related problems. See our support policies on what to expect and our Company Plans for extended options. Or just try it out now — ask something!
We have workflows to match your real life business relations, like when working for a client or in a team.
Have you tried FortRabbit? Support is top tier, super scalable, and doesn’t require any sysadmin chops. #craftcms fortrabbit.com
More reasons why to host Craft CMS on fortrabbit
Focus on Craft — not on Craft hosting.
Batteries included
- Managed OS
- Git & Composer
- SSD storage
- Scaling
- Backups
- PHP 8
Why fortrabbit, not X?
Hosting you
Featured Craft CMS sites hosted on fortrabbit
Craft CMS is a trademark by our friends Pixel & Tonic Inc.