App presets
App components
Choose a PHP scaling
Scaling PHP
Professional Stack Apps have a service-oriented architecture. You scale each component individually. PHP is the core resource. It can be scaled in two dimensions:
↓ Vertical scaling
Scale up: Down the rows are scalings with more RAM for the PHP processes, Apache and OS are excluded. Your Apps memory needs are defined by framework/CMS needs and your coding skills.
→ Horizontal scaling
Scale out: Add Nodes to your App to multiply capacity and also make it more resilient. Horizontal scaling increases PHP requests handling. A load balancer cluster is included. Mind that you might need Memcache to handle session data for all production scalings.
Choose a MySQL plan
MySQL scaling
PHP + MySQL is a classic. Select your desired database size to get started and scale later at any time.
Backups & High availability
Production and dedicated plans are replicated for more safety. The databases are running on two Nodes in a master/slave configuration.
All backups are stored encryped on S3. The way we do backups has zero impact on the performance of the DB.
Dedicated resources
All dedicated database plans come with even more storage, the full CPU power and even more I/O.
Choose an Object Storage scaling
About the Object Storage
This is an integrated S3 compatible cloud storage solution. What is cool about it: Separate code from content, keep the Git repo small and deployments fast and boost page delivery by outsourcing HTTP requests.
How to use it
File system abstraction is the key here. Composer packages like Flysystem handle two things for you: Uploaded files will be moved offshore, HTTP requests will be directed offshore. There are ready made add-ons for most modern frameworks and CMS available.
Choose a Memcache scaling
About Memcache
Memcached is a key-value store for small chunks of arbitrary data (strings, objects) from results of database calls, API calls, or page rendering. In short: it makes your website faster by giving quicker answers for common calls.
Memcache in production
PHP production plans are distributing requests equally across multiple Nodes. In addition Memcache stores object data (cache, session, database results) safely and efficiently across multiple Nodes.
Choose a Worker
About the Worker
Don't let your users wait for your App to resize that image or send that mail. Offshore heavy lifting into background jobs to keep your App snappy and responsive. The Worker plans differ in amount of total available memory for all jobs and the number of jobs you can run.
Nonstop Jobs & Cron Jobs
The Worker will execute nonstop jobs permanently. Classical cron-like tasks can easily scheduled in the Dashboard.
Choose an HTTPS option
HTTPS for all domains
TLS — formerly known as SSL — ensures privacy between applications and users by encrypting the communication. Choose between an auto-installed SSL certificate by Let's Encrypt or bring your own custom TLS certificate.