?Plan 1 | Level 2 | Page views/h 5 | Nodes 3 | Shared 19 | CPU priority 4 | AWS 5 | Load balancer 6 | PHP memory 7 | OPcache 8 | PHP processes 10 | Monthly price 11 | Daily price 12 |
PHP s 1 | Development | 1k | 1 | Yes | low | EC2 r6i | n/a | 128 MB | 64 MB | 2 | $5 | $0.17 |
PHP s 2 | Production | 10k | 2 | Yes | medium | EC2 m6i | Cluster | 128 MB | 64 MB | 4 | $15 | $0.5 |
PHP s 4 | Production | 20k | 4 | Yes | medium | EC2 m6i | Cluster | 128 MB | 64 MB | 8 | $30 | $1 |
PHP s 8 | Production | 40k | 8 | Yes | medium | EC2 m6i | Cluster | 128 MB | 64 MB | 16 | $60 | $2 |
PHP m 1 | Development | 1k | 1 | Yes | low | EC2 r6i | n/a | 256 MB | 128 MB | 2 | $10 | $0.33 |
PHP m 2 | Production | 10k | 2 | Yes | high | EC2 m6i | Cluster | 256 MB | 128 MB | 4 | $30 | $1 |
PHP m 4 | Production | 20k | 4 | Yes | high | EC2 m6i | Cluster | 256 MB | 128 MB | 8 | $60 | $2 |
PHP m 8 | Production | 40k | 8 | Yes | high | EC2 m6i | Cluster | 256 MB | 128 MB | 16 | $120 | $4 |
PHP l 1 | Development | 1k | 1 | Yes | low | EC2 r6i | n/a | 512 MB | 256 MB | 2 | $15 | $0.5 |
PHP l 2 | Production | 10k | 2 | Yes | very high | EC2 m6i | Cluster | 512 MB | 256 MB | 4 | $60 | $2 |
PHP l 4 | Production | 20k | 4 | Yes | very high | EC2 m6i | Cluster | 512 MB | 256 MB | 8 | $120 | $4 |
PHP l 8 | Production | 40k | 8 | Yes | very high | EC2 m6i | Cluster | 512 MB | 256 MB | 16 | $240 | $8 |
PHP xl 2 | Dedicated | 50-125k | 2 | No | dedicated | EC2 c6i | Cluster | 3 GB | 512 MB | 20-40 | $380 | $12.67 |
PHP xl 4 | Dedicated | 100-250k | 4 | No | dedicated | EC2 c6i | Cluster | 3 GB | 512 MB | 40-80 | $760 | $25.33 |
PHP xl 8 | Dedicated | 200-500k | 8 | No | dedicated | EC2 c6i | Cluster | 3 GB | 512 MB | 80-160 | $1520 | $50.67 |
PHP xl 12 | Dedicated | 300-750k | 12 | No | dedicated | EC2 c6i | Cluster | 3 GB | 512 MB | 120-240 | $2280 | $76 |
?Plan 1 | Level 2 | Nodes 3 | Connections 17 | Shared 19 | AWS 5 | Storage 13 | Index 14 | IOPS 24 | Memory 15 | Monthly price 11 | Daily price 12 | Backup price 12 |
MySQL xxs | Development | 1 | 5 | yes | RDS t3 | 32 MB | 16 MB | shared | shared | $2 | $0.07 | n/a |
MySQL xs | Development | 1 | 10 | yes | RDS t3 | 128 MB | 64 MB | shared | shared | $5 | $0.17 | n/a |
MySQL s | Production | 2 | 20 | yes | RDS t3 | 512 MB | 256 MB | shared | shared | $15 | $0.5 | $5 |
MySQL m | Production | 2 | 35 | yes | RDS t3 | 2 GB | 512 MB | shared | shared | $50 | $1.67 | $5 |
MySQL l | Dedicated | 2 | 70 | no | RDS t3.small | 50 GB | 1.3 GB | 150 | 2 GB | $125 | $4.17 | $10 |
MySQL xl | Dedicated | 2 | 128 | no | RDS t3.medium | 100 GB | 2.5 GB | 300 | 4 GB | $250 | $8.33 | $20 |
MySQL xxl | Dedicated | 2 | 250 | no | RDS m5.large | 200 GB | 5.3 GB | 600 | 8 GB | $500 | $16.67 | $40 |
Automatic MySQL backups are available for databases on the Production and Dedicated Level.
Larger plans are available. Please contact us.
?Plan 1 | Level 2 | Nodes 3 | AWS 5 | Memory 16 | Monthly price 11 | Daily price 12 |
Memcache xs | Development | 1 | t3 | 64 MB | $5 | $0.17 |
Memcache s | Production | 2 | t3 | 128 MB | $10 | $0.33 |
Memcache m | Production | 2 | t3 | 256 MB | $20 | $0.67 |
Memcache l | Production | 2 | t3 | 512 MB | $40 | $1.33 |
Larger plans are available. Please contact us.
?Plan 1 | Nodes 3 | CPU priority 4 | AWS 5 | Memory 17 | Worker jobs 5 | Monthly price 11 | Daily price 12 |
Worker s | 1 | very low | r6i | 128 MB | 1 | $5 | $0.17 |
Worker m | 1 | low | r6i | 512 MB | 4 | $15 | $0.5 |
Worker l | 1 | medium | r6i | 1 GB | 8 | $30 | $1 |
Worker xl | 1 | high | r6i | 2 GB | 16 | $60 | $2 |
Worker xxl | 1 | high | r6i | 4 GB | 32 | $120 | $4 |
Worker xxxl | 1 | dedicated | m5 | 7.5 GB | 50 | $250 | $8.33 |
?Plan | Description | Monthly price | Daily price |
Automatic HTTPS | Secure TLS-protected connections for your custom domains via Let’s Encrypt. | $0 | $0 |
Custom HTTPS | Secure TLS-protected connections for your custom domains, bring your own ceritficate. | $5 | $0.17 |
Object Storage
?Plan | Storage 1 | Monthly price | Daily price |
Object Storage xs | 100 MB | $1 | $0.03 |
Object Storage s | 2 GB | $5 | $0.17 |
Object Storage m | 20 GB | $15 | $0.5 |
Object Storage l | 100 GB | $45 | $1.5 |
Object Storage xl | 200 GB | $90 | $3 |
App specific settings
?PHP memory limit in deployment24 | 512 MB |
Max time for git push | 20 m |
Max time for git pull | 10 m |
Max time running Composer in deployment | 10 m |
Max time running pre script in deployment | 10 m |
Max time running post script in deployment | 10 m |
Max size of deployment release package 22 | 200 MB |
Remote SSH execution
About remote SSH executionStorage & traffic
Ephemeral storage per App21 | 2 GB |
Included traffic per month per App including Object Storage 21 | 50 GB |
Each additional 5 GB traffic | $1 |
Max size of one individual file in Object Storage | 1500 MB |
Max number of files in one folder on Object Storage | 999 |
Default positive caching in Object Storage21 | 24 h |
Default negative caching in Object Storage 21 | 1 min |
MySQL Backups
?Days of retention 24 | 30 |
EU MySQL backups start24 | 02:00 UTC |
EU MySQL backups usually finished by24 | 10:00 UTC |
US MySQL backups start24 | 07:00 UTC |
US MySQL backups usually finished by24 | 15:00 UTC |
Software versions
Apache | 2.4 |
PHP | 8.3, 8.2, 8.1 |
MySQL | 8.0 |
Firewall allow-listings
?Description | Port |
Secure Shell (SSH) | 22 |
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) | 25 |
Domain Name System (DNS) | 53 |
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) | 80 |
Post Office Protocol (POP3), Authenticated Post Office Protocol (APOP) | 110 |
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL, "HTTPS") | 443 |
Message Submission (Authenticated SMTP) | 465 |
Message Submission (Authenticated SMTP) | 587 |
IMAP SSL | 993 |
POP SSL | 995 |
Apple Push Notifications (APNs) | 2195 |
Apple Push Notifications (APNs) | 2196 |
MySQL | 3306 |
PostgreSQL | 5432 |
Alternate Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) port | 8080 |
Elastic(Search) | 9200 |
Git | 9418 |
PHP extensions
All specifications here apply only to Professional Apps not for Universal Apps.
Please also have a look at our quirks article about some other limitations.
- Plan: Identification of this extension state.
- Level: Category, recommended use case, either Development, Production or Dedicated. more
- Monhtly price: Costs for one full month, billed after usage.
- Daily price: Costs for a single day of use, minimum period.
- PHP processes: Defines the concurrent connections.
- PHP requests per hour: PHP script executions, mostly akin to pageviews. more
- Page views per hour: One page view is one PHP script execution. Value is recommendation, not absolute. more
- Nodes: Individual copies, amout of computing instances, data redundancy.
- CPU priority: How many CPUs are dedicated to the App.
- AWS: Which AWS product or service is mainly in use.
- Load balancer: Request routing / distribution across Nodes.
- PHP memory: equals PHP memory_limit. Dedicated plans have a PHP memory_limit of 1 GB. more
- OPcache: Max allowed memory for OPcache and APCU usage.
- PHP processes total: Count of concurrent Fast CGI PHP processes, two per Node. more
- MySQL storage: Database capacity including index.
- MySQL index: Reserved index space within storage, soft limit.
- MySQL memory: Reserved RAM for indices. Applies only to Dedicated level.
- MySQL connections: Amount of max allowed concurrent connections. more
- MySQL IOPS: Amount if i/o operations per second. Applies only to Dedicated level.
- MySQL Backup price: Monthly price for enabling backups for the scaling.
- Memcache memory: Reserved RAM.
- Worker memory: Total available RAM to execute background jobs.
- Worker jobs: Amount of max allowed jobs.
- Cron Jobs: Amount of configurable cron jobs more
- SSH memory: RAM available for execution PHP applications.
- Concurrent logins: Parallel SSH and/or SFTP connections at the same time.
- Object Storage size: Size available to store total files. more
- Ephemeral storage: Non-persistent local storage that will be replaced on each deploy. more
- Web storage size: Size available to store total files permanently on disk. more
- Temporary storage size: Storage amount available for temporary store files (
) more - Deployment release package: Compressed archive of all deployed files more
- Deployment memory: Memory available to Composer, pre & post script execution + remote SSH execution. more
- Traffic: All traffic generated by request to PHP scripts, static files and files in the Object Storage.
- Positive cache: Time duration for cache headers for existing file.
- Negative cache: Time duration for cache headers for not existing file (404).
- Max remote execution time: Time duration after which remote SSH executed commands are aborted.
- App Collaborators: Available App Collaborators without a booked Company plan. more
- Backup retention: Amount of days backups are stored and downloadable from the Dashboard. more
- Backup snapshot time: When snapshots are created from which backups are generated
- Backup availability: When backups become available in the Dashboard. Depends on the region the App is in
- HTTPS Support: In which way HTTPS connections are available more
Go back to: top, PHP, MySQL, Memcache.
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